Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration
"Nicolae Titulescu"
The General Chancellor of the Institute
The General Chancellor of the Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” is
Grigore Mugurel
General Chancellor's Duties
(extract from the Charter of the Institute)
The IDC Chancellery
Art. 58. The IDC Secretariat activity is conducted by the IDC General Chancellery, the Secretariat of local extension offices of the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) – branches.
Art. 59. (1) The IDC General Chancellery is organized on the Romanian study programmes with distinct staff, according to the Organizational Chart.
(2) The IDC General Chancellery comprises local bureaus and offices. They operate by the rules drawn up by the Board of Directors and are subordinate to the Director, in terms of organization.
Art. 60. (1) All staff members employed by the IDC secretarial staff is employed by competition, the prerequisite for all positions being competence in a foreign language and the use of computers.
(2) Depending on your budget and extra-budgetary resources available, the departments may hire full-time department secretaries.
(3) The department secretary is subordinate to the IDC General Chancellor.
The duties of the IDC General Chancellor
Art. 61. (1) The IDC secretariat is managed by the IDC General Chancellor (according to the nomenclature used in the applicable legislation). The General Chancellor is subordinate to the Director.
The duties of the IDC General Chancellor/Secretary-in-chief are:
a) to coordinate the secretariat activity of the Institute and the local extension offices;
b) to chair the meetings of the Secretarial College;
c) to represent the IDC on a secretarial line in relation with other institutions;
d) to provide and be responsible for ensuring compliance with legal provisions in the functional and secretarial activity of the IDC;
e) to provide the documents and data necessary for decision-making to the Directorate;
f) to attend the meetings of the Directorate, of the Board of Directors and the Honorary Senate;
g) to take over the documents from outside the IDC and to assign tasks to various departments from the Directorate;
h) to draft task sheets for the staff of subordinate departments;
i) to submit for approval by the Directorate measures to improve the secretarial work.
(2) The General Chancellor is in charge of Deputy General Secretaries representing the local lines de study, as well as the organization of the general charts.