Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration
"Nicolae Titulescu"
The Director of the Institute
The Director of the Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” is
General de flotila(r) prof. univ. dr. Gavrila Jan
Director's Duties
(extract from the Charter of the Institute)
Art. 54
(1) The executive and operational management of IDC is provided by the IDC Director, based upon agreements concluded, by law, with the IDC Board of Directors.
(2) The Director shall be the IDC legal representative in relation to third-parties, with other institutes from the country and abroad, with the central and local administration, with internal and international institutions or bodies.
(3) The Director is the authorising officer of the IDC.
(4) As IDC executive leader, the Director shall issue decisions, resolutions and give order on the matters found under its competence.
(5) The Director has the following duties:
a) to perform the operational leadership and management of the Institute, based on the management agreement;
b) to negotiate and sign the institutional agreement with the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House);
b) to enter into the management agreement with the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House);
d) to propose for approval to the IDC Board of Directors the structure and the rules of operation of the Institute;
e) to propose for approval to the IDC Board of Directors the budget draft and reports on budgetary implementation;
f) to submit to the IDC Board of Directors, for approval, during the month of April of each year, a report on budgetary implementation, a budget draft, as well as the report on the IDC status.
g) to manage the Board of Directors;
h) to perform other duties determined by the IDC Board of Directors, in accordance with the management agreement, the IDC Charter and the legislation in force.
(6) The Director shall be held liable for the integrity and defence of the IDC multicultural structure.
(7) The Director proposes for approval to the IDC Board of Directors decision drafts on the IDC structure, operation and strategy, to achieve the mission and positions undertaken hereof.
(8) To exercise his/her duties, the Director shall be held liable by the Institute community and IDC Board of Directors.
(9) The Director shall submit reports for validation to the IDC Board of Directors. The annual report of the Director is a component of public accountability.
(10) In exercising its powers, the IDC Board of Directors may also request other reports from the Director. The Reports drafted by the Director are public documents.
(11) The Director shall appoint and release from office, under the law, any teaching and research staff, teaching assistants, as well as the technical and administrative staff, with the approval of the IDC Board of Directors.
(12) The Director shall order the registration and expelling of students, under the law and under IDC internal regulations. The complaints filed by candidates upon admission and by graduate students, during the graduation exams, shall be resolved by the Director or the General Chancellor, who makes the decision based upon the report prepared by the teachers involved.
(13) The Director shall coordinate the activity of applying the decisions of the IDC Board of Directors.
(14) The Director shall chair the institutional meetings attended, at any IDC level, except for the meetings considered protocol, which fall under the prerogative of the President.
(15) The privilege of representing the IDC by signature may be delegated to vice-chancellors. In case of absence for a period exceeding one month, the Chancellor shall appoint a substitute, in the person of a vice-chancellor.
Art. 55
(1) The appointment of the Director is made, under the law, by the President of the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) . The provision herein is also valid for the General Chancellor and for administrative positions.
(2) The candidates to the position of director shall submit a management Programme, a curriculum vitae and the list of works, one month prior to the day of election. The aforementioned will be published on the IDC website and notice board.
(3) The Director may be suspended, for the reasons stipulated in the management agreement, IDC Board of Directors, upon the written recommendation of at least 1/3 of its members, by secret vote, and to the IDC Board of Directors. Within one month of suspension, a referendum is held at the Institute, for the dismissal of the Director. This can be done by simple majority of valid votes, without the quorum requirement.
(4) The same person may hold the position of IDC Director for maximum two terms. The interim exercise of the Chancellor position shall not be considered in counting mandates. One mandate is valid for 5 years.