
Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration
"Nicolae Titulescu"



Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration
"Nicolae Titulescu"




Art. 1.The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” was founded on October 15th, 2014, its legal standing being acknowledged in 2014, and it is currently known as the Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” of Brasov, operating under this denomination since December 2014.

Art. 2. (1) The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” of Brasov is a private institution of alternative education, part of Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House), awarded by international organizations in the field. Further more, the Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” is an educational branch within Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) and it is apolitical.

Art. 3. The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” of Brasov is identified as follows:

a) denomination: Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu”
b) main office of the Institute: Carpatilor Street, nr. 14, postal code 500210, Brasov, Romania;
c) the logo, seal, flag and ceremonial attire are agrred by the Board of Directors.
d) trademark: Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu”; The name should be used in short in all official documents referring to the Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” and for saving space, as follows: IDC or, in documents for internal use, as IDC;
e) The Day of the Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” shall be celebrated each year on October 15th.

Art. 4. The mottoes of theInstitute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” are: Nihil sine Deo, in Latin, namely Nothing without God, in English.



Art. 5. IDC undertakes the complex role of providing high-level education, innovative and cutting edge scientific research, at national and international level, as well as the role of providing specialized service platforms to the community. Hence, the Institute sets up the institutional framework, for its community, where, by participative and democratic approaches, by competence, responsibility, honesty and courage, solutions are established for permanent changes in society and for the complex issues of the world today.

Art. 6. IDC, as an alternative education institution, of economic interest, aims at promoting - within the local, regional, national and international community- cultural components specific to the denomination of 'commercial diplomat'. Under the present context, these components are:

a) culture of action based on systematic and innovative knowledge;
b) lifelong and innovative learning culture;
c) multicultural, intercultural and interreligious dialogue;
d) scientific and technological, organizational and citizenship competence culture;
e) personal and moral development culture;
f) culture of proactive attitude and participation;
g) culture of integration in diversity and globalization, in terms of identity and mutual respect.



Art. 7.
(1) The IDC is a private, comprehensive alternative education institution for advanced research in the field of internal and international economic affairs and education, aiming to prepare young people for the contemporary society and for the future in the field of sciences associated to international affairs and commercial diplomacy.
(2) By complying with the triple focus of the modern Institute – education, research and services addressed to the community – the general mission of the Institute is to generate and transfer knowledge. Particularly, the IDC mission is reflected in the following:

a) it ensures the creation of knowledge through an intensive research process;
b) it provides training to students and researchers, active and responsible citizens, by promoting
education and research in line with the requirements of a knowledge-based and
value based society, by initial training, continuous learning and integration in the circuit of universal values;
c) provides a framework for multicultural, multilingual and inter-religious interferences, carrying out the training under equal treatment conditions, in Romanian, as well as in international languages;
d) contributes to the local, regional and national development in terms of social, economic,
and cultural factors, by involvement compliant to the community needs.

Art. 8. In undertaking its mission, the IDC aims to:

a) establish a strategic management and an efficient planning process;
b) comprehensive and balanced development of the IDC;
c) providing democracy, collective participation and transparency,
d) efficiency and reasoned decision making;
e) undertaking the quality principle - both in the IDC activity, and in the evaluation of this activity.



Art. 9. By respecting existing cultural and axiological differences in the academic, social and economic environments, The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” incorporates and promotes the following core values:

a) freedom of thought and expression,
b) seeking and promoting truth,
c) integrity,
d) equity,
e) social responsibility,
f) respect for diversity,
g) intercultural cooperation.

General principles and strategic elements
General principles
Art. 10. (1) The IDC takes as its starting point the legal principles governing alternative education, being however connected to the demands of private educational institutions, and to lifelong learning, as follows:

a) the principle of institutional autonomy,
b) the principle of freedom of thought and expression, as well as the independence of ideologies and any type of dogmas;
c) the principle of equity
d) the principle of quality
e) the principle of relevance
f) the principle of efficiency
g) the principle of decentralization
h) the principle of public accountability
i) the principles of multiculturalism and multilingualism
j) the principle of promoting international cooperation in education and research;
k) the principle of ownership, promotion and preservation of national identity and cultural values belonging to the Romanian people;
l) the principle of equal treatment;
m) the principle of transparency
n) the principle of social inclusion;
o) the principle of religious education organized according to specific requirements of each recognized cult;
p) the principle of grounding any decisions on dialogue and consultation and the principle of the right to an opinion granted upon the student, as direct beneficiary of the education system;
q) the collegial solidarity principle;
r) the principle of proportionality and representativeness at management level.

(2) Each of the above principles are reflected in the text of the IDC Charter and should be reflected in all activities without exception, conducted in the IDC.

Autonomy of the Institute
Art. 11. (1) The Autonomy of the Institute is guaranteed by the Constitution of Romania and recognized by law as the fundamental principle of national alternative education system.
(2) The autonomy of the institute lays the grounds for its operation and undertakes the legal capacity of the IDC, by the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House), in order to independently organize and conduct business, with the correlative obligation of public accountability.
The autonomy of the Institute entitles its community to establish its specific mission,
the institutional strategy, structure, activities, own organization and operation, the management of material and human resources, in accordance with the legislation in force. Autonomy is achieved by the decision-making bodies of the IDC, based on IDC own regulations, adopted under the law.
(3) The autonomy of the Institute is exercised at the level of the institution, through their specific decision-making bodies, according to their powers under the law, the IDC Charter and internal regulations of the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) as a civil unit which can be legally held accountable.
(4) The autonomy of the Institute consists of:

a) establishing the IDC Charter on organization and operation;
b) freedom of research, artistic activity and knowledge transfer;
c) a policy of its own human resources, in accordance with international quality standards and practices;
d) adopting own requirements in the criteria for granting teaching, scientific, research and honorary titles;
e) independence in attracting and managing extra-budgetary funds;
f) implementing and improving own structures;
g) establishing and adopting research programmes;
h) developing student regulations for accommodation and for awarding scholarships, study and examination regulations for students, admission and graduation;
i) freedom of publishing scientific publications and operation of own publishing houses;
j) establishing and changing management according to the legal proceedings;
k) developing a human resources policy, fully under the IDC jurisdiction, in accordance with international practices of the Institute for autonomy;
l) organizing scientific, cultural and sports activities, as well as establishing forms of cooperation with other national and international institutions;
m) administering financial resources and the Institute property, respecting their destination.

(5) The IDC shares the ideals of international documents in the field: Declaration of Rights and Duties Inherent in Academic Freedom (Siena, 1982); The Lima Declaration on Academic Freedom and Autonomy of Institutions of Higher Education (1988); The Magna Charta of European Universities (Bologna, 1988); The Dar es Salaam Declaration (1990): The Kampala
Declaration (1990).

Organization and operation principles
Art. 12. (1) The IDC is dedicated to the tradition of free thinking, institutional freedom, acknowledgement of human rights and fundamental freedoms, political pluralism, democratic values, ethics, transparency of decisions and of its business, as well as the principles of the rule of law, representativeness and proportionality.
(2) The Institute community is open, without discrimination, to Romanian and foreign citizens who hold the corresponding authorities.
(3) The Institute community members have freedom of conscience and expression. They exercise their functions without discrimination or repression. Both the universal values promoted by the IDC, as well as the progress of knowledge interactions involve free interactions, mutual listening of views and argumentative dialogue. The right to petition is guaranteed.
(4) The Institute premises is not a land of confrontation between political parties, religious organizations and non-governmental organisations.
Art. 13. The Institute premises are free and inviolable. The IDC (Board of Directors, Directorate) management structures can regulate access according to institutional autonomy and applicable legal provisions.
Art. 14. The Institute Community is constantly informed on the teaching and research activity, on the decisions of the management structures and development tendencies, by classical and modern means of information.
Art. 15. (1) The IDC has multicultural character.
(2) The IDC shall promote, under equal conditions, teaching in Romanian and other international languages, as well as the interaction of said cultures.
(3) In teaching, research, publication activities, as well as intra- and inter-institutional communication, Romanian and international languages may be used freely, except in official documents. The specializations where training is carried out the international language shall be approved by the Board of Directors.
Art. 16. The IDC is concerned in the internationalization of the curricula, the cooperation of students and staff. The IDC undertakes to offer studies in international languages.
Art. 17. The IDC complies with and promotes the principle of national and international freedom of students, teachers and researchers.
Art. 18. (1) The scientific research lays the grounds of training.
(2) The Institute's own research activity, validated by scientific publications, patents and/or innovative products and services, is the fundamental criterion for assessing academic qualification.
(3) The IDC complies with the principles of ethics in research and moral values laying the grounds of scientific activity and its dissemination.
Art. 19. (1) The IDC management and development are based on the Strategic plan of annual development and operational programmes.
(2) The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” drafts strategic plans and annual programmes, also including objectives corresponding to its multicultural structure. They also provide measures for control and evaluation.
(3) Quality assurance mechanisms are introduced in all activities of institutional and administrative management, education, research.
Art. 20. (1) The accession to the IDC teacher community by holding teacher, auxiliary staff, research and administrative and technical positions, on a competitive basis.
(2) The positions in IDC shall be filled in by considering the human resources policy and the financial sustainability of the job.
Art. 21. (1) The institutional authority is granted solely based on the scientific and teaching performance and managerial competence.
(2) The management bodies designated democratically shall also represent members of the institutional community, regardless of their ethnicity and religion. Any member of the Institute community is entitled to attend, under the law, the management of its activities.
Art. 22. (1) The IDC promotes education centre on the student.
(2) The students from the educational forms are partners in the joint activity of training of
competitive specialists. The representation of students in the Board of Directors is guaranteed in a minimum percentage of 25%. The student opinion, individual or expressed by their representatives, or by surveys conducted by validated methodologies, is one of the ways of self-control, evaluation and improvement of the Institute activity.
Art. 23. The curricula are developed taking into account the criteria of performance and profile institutions, so that, after initiating the field fundamentals, the study shall obtain a research character. They are adapted to the markers accepted by the European Union and subject to external evaluations.
Art. 24. In addition to subjects included in the core specialization training, the students can choose subjects from the Institute. Students can pursue multiple specializations.
Art. 25. The scientific and educational performance evaluation of structures of the Institute is in line with the quality standards and indicators for education and by considering the international institutional customs.
Art. 26. The IDC activity results shall be made public. The Institute shall carry out own annual reports. The Director shall annually present, in public, the results of the activity and action plans.
Art. 27. (1) The Institute, through its subsidiaries, has autonomy in managing financial and material resources within regulations at national and Institute level.
(2) The IDC obtains extra-budgetary resources and uses them according to own decisions, by exercising
the financial component of the Institute autonomy.
(3) The IDC shall organize and administer, individually or in collaboration with other legal entities, centres for human resources training, research and production units, as well as services or consultancy.
Art. 28. The IDC promotes partnership with other institutions in the field-internal and international, developing international cooperation. The IDC assumes the role in the economic and social environment, promoting the public-private partnership and social accountability.
Art. 29. The IDC respect the principle of consultation of social partners, unions and legally-established organizations of students, in decision-making.



Art. 30. The IDC operates under the law, of regulatory documents issued in its enforcement, based on the IDC Charter, of theInternal Rules of Operation, as well as based upon the other documents adopted at IDC level.

The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu”
Art. 31. (1) The IDC has and may create under its structure departments or other units serving specific activities within the institution.
(2) Moreover, dormitories and other accommodation places, cafeterias, as well as practice and leisure spaces held by IDC are also part of its structure.
Art. 32. The IDC provides education on a line of study in Romanian, the line of study at IDC level being the form of organization of the teaching process, namely the Institute, held in Romanian, as required by law and the Constitution of Romania.
Art. 33. The structure of the Institute by departments shall be decided by the IDC Director, upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors.
Art. 34. By law, the management structures are:
a) the Board of Directors, at Institute level;
b) the Director;
c) the Scientific Council at the level of research.

The Board of Directors of The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu”
Art. 35. The IDC Board of Directors shall be established and shall operate as IDC management structure, based upon the principles of institutional freedom, transparency, representativeness and proportionality. The IDC Board of Directors is the main forum for decision and deliberation at Institute level, established based on the representativeness principle, in accordance with the Regulation on choosing IDC management structures and positions.
Art. 36. (1) The IDC Board of Directors comprises of teaching and research staff, amounting maximum 75%, namely of students, amounting at least 25%.
(2) The structure, organization, powers and operation of IDC Board of Directors shall be determined by the Rules of organization and operation of IDC Board of Directors, by law, drafted and approved by the Steering Board of Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).
(3) The total number of IDC Board of Directors members should be uneven and cannot exceed three members.
(4) The positions within the Board of Directors can only be filled in by appointment. The IDC Board of Directors members shall be appointed by the Steering Board of Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House)- as supervising legal forum.
(5) The term of mandate, the number of mandates, duties, loss of membership, other aspects on the IDC Board of Directors are regulated in detail in the Rules of organization and operation of IDC Board of Directors.
(6) For students, the extent and number of seats, the election procedures, and other aspects thereof are set out in the IDCstudent statute.
Art. 37. (1) The work undertaken by members of the Board of Directors in this forum shall be considered in the annual evaluation of the teaching staff.
(2) The structures of IDC Board of Directors have responsibilities that require permanent activity and responsibilities involving regular activities.
Art. 38. The Board of Directors has the following main duties:
a) to develop, adopt, revise or repeal the IDC Charter, following discussion with the institute community; to approve the codes and regulations that constitute annexes thereto;
b) to adopt the Regulation on elections for management functions and structures;
c) to enter into the management contract with the IDC Director;
d) to approve the development strategy;
e) to approve and amend the IDC internal structure, upon the recommendation of the IDC Director;
f) to approve the planning, organization, conduct and improvement of the whole process of education;
g) to approve the curricula and education programmes, for their scientific accreditation;
h) to adopt the criteria for assessing the institutional and professional performance of staff and students;
i) to approve the IDC financial strategy;
j) to approve the draft budget proposed by the Director and the budget drafting;
k) to adopt own contest methodologies and the validation of contest results for filling in teaching and research positions;
l) to approve human resource policies of the IDC;
m) to approve the criteria for assessment of the education and research activity;
n) to grant teaching or scientific titles;
o) to approve the strategy of scientific research;
p) to approve cooperative programmes with other educational and research institutions from the country or abroad;
q) to validate the mandates of department directors;
r) to monitor the activity of the director and administrative services;
s) to approve the criteria for granting fellowships;
t) to approve IDC participation in associative consortia;
ţ) to approve IDC participation in the establishment of trade associations or companies by Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House);
u) to regulate the use of logos and symbols;
x) to approve the awarding of honorary titles of: Emeritus Professor (the highest IDC title); IDC Ambassador .
y) to approve and to adopt other documents or to perform other duties within the jurisdiction of the Board, as the highest authority of the IDC legislation, this Charter, the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Board of Directors of IDC, as well as their other legal documents.
Art. 39. The creation or cancellation by IDC Board of Directors of specializations or departments may be carried out with the consultative consent of the endorsement of the Steering Board of Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).
Art. 40. The IDC Board of Directors shall make decisions by multiple majority of attending members. The quorum of IDC Board of Directors meetings comprises of 2/3 of the total number of members.
Art. 41. (1) The executive presidents of Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) are permanent guests to the IDC Board of Directors works, without voting rights.
(2) Other individuals can attend the works of the IDC Board of Directors, according to the legal provisions and the rules of organization and operation of the IDC Board of Directors, of this Charter, as well as based upon an invitation addressed by the president of Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).

President of the IDC Board of Directors
Art. 42. (1) The President of the IDC Board of Directors holds the management position of Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House). The President chairs the meetings of the IDC Board of Directors, ensuring compliance of meetings with IDC internal laws and regulations.
(2) The President of the IDC Board of Directors constitutes the IDC Board of Directors in the relations with the director and other operational and executive management positions at all levels and across all IDC structures.
(3) The President of the IDC Board of Directors coordinates the specialized commissions of the IDC Board of Directors and works together with them, rightfully presiding the Institutional strategy commission.
(4) Based upon the recommendation of the IDC Board of Directors, the President is entitled to make proposals for its resolution, in order to respect and promote the legal rights and interests of faculty and students.
(5) The President may suggest to the IDC Board of Directors, by vote, to request public reports from the Director, to discuss and monitor the activity of the IDC executive management.
(6) The President of the IDC Board of Directors has the duty to inform on the IDC management activities and to work with the management in representing the best interests of faculty and students, in the operation and promotion of IDC institutional autonomy.
(7) The President of the IDC Board of Directors must be a strong personality, with national and international profile, with competitive skills, values and vision in the economic, commercial and institutionalized arbitration environment.
Art. 43. The President of the IDC Board of Directors cannot be dismissed by the IDC Board of Directors, its function being irremovable.

Functional structures of the IDC Board of Directors
Art. 44. The functional structures of the IDC Board of Directors are:
a) The Directorate;
b) The General Chancellery;
c) The Ethics Commission.
Art. 45. One of the members of the IDC Board of Directors shall substitute the President of the IDC Board of Directors, whenever the President is not present or is unable to perform the function.
Art. 46. (1) The IDC Board of Directors shall evaluate, each year, based upon the Annual operational plan, by the specialized IDC commissions and through analysis and prognosis bodies, forms of study (the departments, majors, curricula, research units), research orientation in terms of connecting to the development of science, literature, philosophy, art, technology and market changes on the market of qualifications, in the area of internal and international relations and the associated function of commerce diplomat.
(2) The monitoring and control reports are presented and discussed regularly within the IDC Board of Directors, and the Board shall take measures accordingly.

The Grand Senate and the Group of Honorary Ambassadors
Art. 47. (1) The IDC Grand Senate comprises of the IDC Board of Directors and the Group of Honorary Ambassadors.
(2) The Group of Honorary Ambassadors is a consultative body constituted upon the initiative of the President, endorsed and approved by the IDC Board of Directors.
(3) The Group of Honorary Ambassadors includes the individuals receiving the title of Honorary Ambassador of Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).
(4) The Group of Honorary Ambassadors may also include personalities from the economic, academic, cultural, diplomatic, religious, professional environment and non-governmental organizations, as well as former ambassadors or acting consuls.
(5) The quality of Honorary Ambassadorsmay be granted to an organization, public institution, public or private company; In this case, this position is exercised by a representative appointed by the legal entity.
(6) The Group of Honorary Ambassadors may make recommendations on the IDC general strategy and may suggest measures to improve their relation with society, with the local community, with other national and international bodies in the field.
(7) The structure, organization and operation of the Group of Honorary Ambassadors shall be agreed upon by the IDC Board of Directors, in accordance with legal provisions.

The Board of Directors. Executive positions of the institutional management
Art. 48. (1) The IDC Board of Directors comprises of the Institute President, the Institute Director and the General Chancellor of the Institute.
(2) The Board of Directors provides operational leadership and management of the institution.
Art. 49. (1) The Board of Directors operates based on its own regulation approved by the IDC The Board of Directors.
(2) The executive presidents of Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) are permanent guests to the IDC Board of Directors works, without voting rights. Other individuals can attend the works of the IDC Board of Directors, according to the legal provisions of this Charter, as well as based upon an invitation addressed by the ex officio president or upon the request of an individual holding legitimate interest.
Art. 50. The Board of Directors has the following main duties:
a) to suggest the draft budget;
b) to ensure the use of financial resources and the budgetary implementation;
c) to approve the suggestions on the contest for teaching and research positions;
d) to approve proposals for new programmes of study and to suggest measures on study programmes which are institutionally and financially ineffective;
e) to propose the amount of tuition fees and other charges in the IDC;
f) to develop strategies and policies on areas of interest;
g) other duties established by law and by decisions of the IDC Board of Directors.
Art. 51. (1) The Board of Directors decisions are binding for research and service departments and institutes.
(2) The decisions of the Board of Directors shall be based on the strategies, policies, as well as the national and European legislation in the field.
Art. 52. The IDC institutional management is based on the principles of representativeness and proportionality.
Art. 53. (1) According to the appointments of the Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House), the executive management duties are:
a) president;
b) director;
c) general chancellor.
(2) An individual cannot simultaneously hold two or more senior positions, except the President. The prohibition on overlapping functions concerns the executive management functions of the Institute. Further more, holding any of the features or qualities referred to the
previous thesis within the IDC is incompatible with the exercise of management positions within a political party, as well as by holding a public position or office, at any level. Within 15 days of the occurrence of the incompatibility condition under the previous thesis, the person concerned shall choose one of the functions. Failure to comply with the deadline for option shall draw the rightful termination of the management position within the IDC, by vacating the position.

Art. 54. (1) The executive and operational management of IDC is provided by the IDC Director, based upon agreements concluded, by law, with the IDC Board of Directors.
(2) The Director shall be the IDC legal representative in relation to third-parties, with other institutes from the country and abroad, with the central and local administration, with internal and international institutions or bodies.
(3) The Director is the authorising officer of the IDC.
(4) As IDC executive leader, the Director shall issue decisions, resolutions and give order on the matters found under its competence.
(5) The Director has the following duties:
a) to perform the operational leadership and management of the Institute, based on the management agreement;
b) to negotiate and sign the institutional agreement with the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House);
b) to enter into the management agreement with the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House);
d) to propose for approval to the IDC Board of Directors the structure and the rules of operation of the Institute;
e) to propose for approval to the IDC Board of Directors the budget draft and reports on budgetary implementation;
f) to submit to the IDC Board of Directors, for approval, during the month of April of each year, a report on budgetary implementation, a budget draft, as well as the report on the IDC status.
g) to manage the Board of Directors;
h) to perform other duties determined by the IDC Board of Directors, in accordance with the management agreement, the IDC Charter and the legislation in force.
(6) The Director shall be held liable for the integrity and defence of the IDC multicultural structure.
(7) The Director proposes for approval to the IDC Board of Directors decision drafts on the IDC structure, operation and strategy, to achieve the mission and positions undertaken hereof.
(8) To exercise his/her duties, the Director shall be held liable by the Institute community and IDC Board of Directors.
(9) The Director shall submit reports for validation to the IDC Board of Directors. The annual report of the Director is a component of public accountability.
(10) In exercising its powers, the IDC Board of Directors may also request other reports from the Director. The Reports drafted by the Director are public documents.
(11) The Director shall appoint and release from office, under the law, any teaching and research staff, teaching assistants, as well as the technical and administrative staff, with the approval of the IDC Board of Directors.
(12) The Director shall order the registration and expelling of students, under the law and under IDC internal regulations. The complaints filed by candidates upon admission and by graduate students, during the graduation exams, shall be resolved by the Director or the General Chancellor, who makes the decision based upon the report prepared by the teachers involved.
(13) The Director shall coordinate the activity of applying the decisions of the IDC Board of Directors.
(14) The Director shall chair the institutional meetings attended, at any IDC level, except for the meetings considered protocol, which fall under the prerogative of the President.
(15) The privilege of representing the IDC by signature may be delegated to vice-chancellors. In case of absence for a period exceeding one month, the Chancellor shall appoint a substitute, in the person of a vice-chancellor.
Art. 55. (1) The appointment of the Director is made, under the law, by the President of the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) . The provision herein is also valid for the General Chancellor and for administrative positions.
(2) The candidates to the position of director shall submit a management Programme, a curriculum vitae and the list of works, one month prior to the day of election. The aforementioned will be published on the IDC website and notice board.
(3) The Director may be suspended, for the reasons stipulated in the management agreement, IDC Board of Directors, upon the written recommendation of at least 1/3 of its members, by secret vote, and to the IDC Board of Directors. Within one month of suspension, a referendum is held at the Institute, for the dismissal of the Director. This can be done by simple majority of valid votes, without the quorum requirement.
(4) The same person may hold the position of IDC Director for maximum two terms. The interim exercise of the Chancellor position shall not be considered in counting mandates. One mandate is valid for 5 years.

Art. 56. The department is the basic institutional unit of the IDC, which brings together and manages one or more fields of study or specialization programmes and it is in charge of their operation, in conditions of institutional autonomy.
Art. 57. (1) The department is established according to the Institute or interdisciplinary curriculum and scientific research, respecting the financial sustainability and institutional performance criteria.
(2) The staff of the line of study held in a separate department shall issue the department rules of organization and management, specifying the components, competencies and relations with higher management bodies, the department structures and their duties.
(3) The foundation of the department shall have in view:
a) quality assurance of the teaching process and competitiveness on a teaching, scientific and
technological scale;
b) the required infrastructure for the teaching staff, and for the teaching auxiliary and research staff;
c) own or joint secretariat;
d) the possibility of supporting study programmes at all levels;
e) specialized library.

The IDC Chancellery
Art. 58. The IDC Secretariat activity is conducted by the IDC General Chancellery, the Secretariat of local extension offices of the Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House) – branches.
Art. 59. (1) The IDC General Chancellery is organized on the Romanian study programmes with distinct staff, according to the Organizational Chart.
(2) The IDC General Chancellery comprises local bureaus and offices. They operate by the rules drawn up by the Board of Directors and are subordinate to the Director, in terms of organization.
Art. 60. (1) All staff members employed by the IDC secretarial staff is employed by competition, the prerequisite for all positions being competence in a foreign language and the use of computers.
(2) Depending on your budget and extra-budgetary resources available, the departments may hire full-time department secretaries.
(3) The department secretary is subordinate to the IDC General Chancellor.

The duties of the IDC General Chancellor
Art. 61. (1) The IDC secretariat is managed by the IDC General Chancellor (according to the nomenclature used in the applicable legislation). The General Chancellor is subordinate to the Director. The duties of the IDC General Chancellor/Secretary-in-chief are:
a) to coordinate the secretariat activity of the Institute and the local extension offices;
b) to chair the meetings of the Secretarial College;
c) to represent the IDC on a secretarial line in relation with other institutions;
d) to provide and be responsible for ensuring compliance with legal provisions in the functional and secretarial activity of the IDC;
e) to provide the documents and data necessary for decision-making to the Directorate;
f) to attend the meetings of the Directorate, of the Board of Directors and the Honorary Senate;
g) to take over the documents from outside the IDC and to assign tasks to various departments from the Directorate;
h) to draft task sheets for the staff of subordinate departments;
i) to submit for approval by the Directorate measures to improve the secretarial work.
(2) The General Chancellor is in charge of Deputy General Secretaries representing the local lines de study, as well as the organization of the general charts.

The Administrative General Director
Art. 62. (1) The Administrative General Director is the economical-administrative manager of the Institute and, as member of the management team, he/she is fully in charge of the efficiency of administrative compartments.
(2) The coordination of the following services enters under its competence; the exploitation, conservation,
development and enrichment of heritage; aggregation and streamlining of capital, of investments;
balancing the budget; promoting a policy of attracting extra-budgetary resources, their investment and efficient use; conservation of material resources of the Institute, repair, construction, maintenance; development of its own fleet of transport; social problems, identifying new sources of extra-budgetary funding.
(3) The Administrative General Director shall be held accountable by the IDC Director and the Board of Directors.
(4) The Administrative General Director cannot combine these features with the institutional management positions and qualities defined under art. 48 and art. 53 of this Charter.



Art. 63 According to the law, the Institute community comprises of students, teaching and research staff and auxiliary teaching and research staff.
Art. 64. (1) The human resource policy is part of institutional autonomy, according to the policies of the European Union.
(2) The principles of recruitment and organization of human resources to meet the quality staff requirements for an advanced research and education institute are provided in the IDC Human resources policy.
(3) The employment policy for teaching and research positions shall apply the principle of professional competence sovereignty, of scientific and educational excellence and the rules of moral conduct.

The teaching and research staff
Art. 65. The departments may employ, as associate teacher and/or research staff, personalities from the field of science, national and international culture, specialists, in order to increase the quality of the teaching and research process.
Art. 66. (1) The teaching or research position shall be held provided scientific and teaching performance is ensured, as well as by institutional conduct and the unconditional devotion of the individual in charge with the institution values specified under Art. 4 of this
(2) Teaching positions shall be reserved for individuals holding positions of public officials and dignitaries, according to the legislation, during their fulfilment. The individuals can combine the specified positions with the teaching or research positions, but without holding management positions.
(3) Furthermore, the positions of teaching and research staff working in the area abroad, under inter-institutional contracts, agreements or conventions, shall be reserved.
Art. 67. (1) The work of teachers is evaluated regularly, at intervals of maximum five years, including by the students.
(2) The research is part of the institutional norm.
(3) Employees without scientific contributions during three consecutive years cannot keep their teaching and research positions.
Art. 68. The academic activity of teachers is evaluated at the end of the subject being taught, based on specific methodology.
Art. 69. The IDC can provide, under the law, one semester or one sabbatical year, depending on the financial resources of the department involved. The obligations of the beneficiary of these rights are determined by the IDC Internal Rules of Operation.
Art. 70. (1) Upon the recommendation of the Department council, the IDC Board of Directors may decide upon continuing the activity of one teacher or researcher, who meets the criteria adopted by the latter upon reaching the retirement age.
(2) The resuming of activity for university professors who are members of the Romanian Academy, of European science academies, as well as of university professor falling under the agreed scientific, teaching, professional criteria agreed may be decided by the IDC Board of Directors
Art. 71. (1) Throughout their employment, teaching and research staff members have the obligation to be loyal to the Institute, this obligation comprising in the loyalty and fair competition obligation.
(2) Carrying out activities within other research institutes or institutions, without the approval and without the consent of the IDC Board of Directors, shall constitute serious misconduct or, where appropriate, a matter of ethics. The provision does not apply to institutions which are part consortia where the IDC is a member, nor to the ones where the IDC has entered into permissive agreements, in terms of the above thesis.
Art. 72. The institutional ethics policies, the ethics and deontology deviations throughout the Institute duration and proper conduct norms in scientific research are stipulated in the Code of ethics and professional conductapproved by the IDC Board of Directors

Technical and administrative staff, as well as auxiliary teaching staff
Art. 73. The technical and administrative staff comprises of IDC employees who ensure the proper development of actual teaching or research activities. The classification and remuneration of such personnel shall be under the law, by means of the administrative economic directorate.



Art. 74. (1) The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” provides private alternative education for all institutional qualification cycles, under the law and under its regulations.
(2) Secondary and Bachelor education are regulated by theRules on the professional activity of students, as approved by IDC Board of Directors.
Art. 75. The IDC organizes, under the law and data operating permits by entering into ..........., improvement, requalification, professional reconversion and continuous learning courses for:
Commercial diplomat, assistant manager, sales, archiving, marketing and communication, protocol and events organization, public relations and communication, sales representative.
Art. 76. The education plans shall be adapted to the functional criteria of performance institute and shall be correlated to the research activity of departments and with the labour market requirements,
Art. 77. The competencies for at least one major language conditions the admission to all improvement programmes, as well as registration for teaching and research positions.
Art. 78. The psycho-pedagogical and methodical training is provided in accordance with legal regulations in force.
Art. 79. (1) Continuous training and lifelong learning are important concerns of the IDC.
(2) The continuous training, distance learning and low-frequency is carried out within the Department for continuous learning, distance learning and low-frequency (DFC-IDC), its operation being regulated by own regulations.
Art. 80. Within the DFC-IDC, continuous professional development of teaching staff members, supported by the performing research in the field of psycho-pedagogy and institutional didactics may be performed by means of the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL).



Art. 81. (1) According to the principle of institutional autonomy, admission is carried out based upon the regulation approved by the IDC Board of Directors, at least 6 months prior to the admission competition.
(2) Admission is carried out by lines of study, according to the legal provisions: for Commercial Diplomat - secondary education (university studies are an advantage), for assistant manager, sales, archiving, marketing and communication, protocol and events, public relations and communication, sales representative - secondary education without baccalaureate.
Art. 82. (1) The study agreement is the deed entered into, under the law, by and between the student and the IDC Director at the beginning of each academic year.
(2) The annual study agreement is the deed entered into by and between the student and the IDC Director, by which the students register for mandatory, optional and elective courses.
Art. 83. (1) The IDC promotes the objective assessment of students, focused on the knowledge and competencies acquired during the semester activities.
(2) The assessment is part of the learning process and has training role.
Art. 84. By promoting a discipline, namely by obtaining a minimum grade of 5 (five) or the qualifier 'promoted', the students obtain the admission credits assigned to this discipline according to the education plan.
Art. 85. Fraud or attempted fraud during exams is punishable by expulsion.
Art. 86. The students enrolled in performance sports or artistic activities, those who participated in international mobility programmes of the IDC and in other international mobility programmes, such as students with severe medical condition can request an 'open session'.
Art. 87. (1) Students are represented in all decision-making and advisory structures of the Institute.
(2) The representatives of students within the IDC Board of Directors, elected by universal vote, direct and secret, are part of the Student Board.
(3) The method for electing student representatives and their duties are specified in the Student Status of The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu”
Art. 88. (1) The IDC Student Board is the only official entity to represent IDC students, operating based upon its own rules of organisation and operation.
(2) The IDC Student Board comprises of senator students. All student representatives (group, class, year) comprise the Extended Student Board.
(3) The IDC Student Board activity involves promoting the rights and interests of students, both at institutional level, and extra-curricular ones.
(4) The IDC Student Board is involved in drafting the regulation and works with the Directorate, with regard to the activity and life of IDC students.
(5) The structure, organization, duties and operation of the IDC Student Board shall be agreed by the Rules of organization and operation of the IDCBoard of Directors, according to legal provisions and under the Student Statute.
Art. 89. The Student Statute develops and details the rights, freedoms and obligations of students, based upon the provisions of the Student Code of rights and obligations. The student statute is approved by the IDC Board of Directors.
Art. 90. (1) The IDC supports student performance and research.
(2) Depending on the resources available, the IDC supports student volunteer, educational, scientific, artistic and sports activities.
Art. 91. Student scholarships are granted in accordance with the Regulation on scholarships.
Art. 92. Student dormitories are units owned and under the use of the IDC. Their operation is regulated by theRegulation on accommodation.
Art. 93. The student dormitories shall be operated under the Rules of organization and operation of IDC dormitories.
Art. 94. The IDC technical service is in charge with equipping and repairing the dorm, under the limit of the funds allocated by the Board of Directors.
Art. 95. The learning and research facilities have accommodation units for the IDC staff and students under specialized training, as well as for the research staff and students of other educational institutions, subject to the available seats, by
Art. 96. The restaurants and cafeterias are IDC units, with their own rules of operation.
Art. 97. The organization, administration and operation of the entire teaching activity in the area of sports, amateur and performance levels, takes place in the locations required by the teaching specifics (gyms from other IDC buildings, other institutions, swimming pools, ski slopes, etc.).
Art. 98. The coordination of all events held in the sports facilities shall fall upon the GAD (General Administrative Directorate), by the head of the competent structure.
Art. 99. (1) The use of sports facilities shall be taxed, except for teaching activities.
(2) The IDC sports facilities can be used by the IDC staff and students, with reduced fees.
(3) The rentals for sports facilities, advertising, use of equipment within the sports facility by third-parties shall be allowed based upon a written agreement signed by the Director or any attorneys-at-fact.



Scientific research
Art. 100. The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” is a comprehensive advanced research and education institution for development of internal and international commercial affairs of the commercial diplomat functions and particularly of the related economical-administrative functions in the functionality of economical mechanisms. According to the mission undertaken, scientific research is a fundamental component in the
IDC activity.
Art. 101. The IDC research, development and innovation comprises:
a) research (fundamental and practical);
b) development (generation of innovative prototype products and services, including of own industrial brands);
c) innovation and implementation in the socio-economical environment of innovative services and products.
Art. 102. (1) The Strategy of The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” in scientific research and the research priorities are adopted by the IDC Board of Directors, once every four years. The research strategy considers the existing scientific potential, the IDC strategic priorities and the national and international development directions.
(2) The IDC promotes and supports excellence, interdisciplinary approach and competitiveness in the scientific research activity.
Art. 103. (1) The objectives of the scientific research activity and the means of reaching these objectives in order to achieve a level of excellence are provisioned in the Strategic plan of scientific research of The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu”.
(2) The strategic research plan is drafted by the Director, upon the recommendation of the IDC Scientific Council, and the administration of research programmes, projects and results is ensured by the IDC specialized service.
Art. 104. Scientific research is a criterion for eligibility and ranking in the competition for teaching and research jobs, as well as the fundamental criterion for periodic evaluation of teachers and researchers.
Art. 105. (1) The students participate in the research activity of research departments or units, under the supervision of teaching staff and researchers.
(2) The students employed in the research activity are supported by allocating certain amounts to research projects, by national scholarships.
Art. 106. (1) The IDC applies international evaluation criteria for scientific research, the excellence research standards adequate for each field.
(2) The IDC promoted scientific cooperation within national and international programmes.
Art. 107. The proceeds from scientific research shall be used to develop research infrastructure and for the remuneration of involved staff.
Art. 108. The staff of research units involved in research activities into autonomous units (institutes, laboratories, centres) has, within the available resources, autonomy and personal responsibility in conducting public procurement and for managing human resources needed to run projects, in accordance with internal and national IDC regulations.
Art. 109. The IDC supports teachers and researchers with relevant scientific activity through incentive pay according to scientific performance, study or research grants from national or foreign institutes.

The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” within the scientific research system
Art. 110. The scientific research is connected, in terms of the thematic and evaluation aspect,
to the European and international system.
Art. 111. The IDC attends national and international scientific competitions, in drafting and publishing national and world-renowned works, for scientific support of publications, as well as national and international scientific exchanges.
Art. 112. The IDC holds scientific events (conferences, symposiums national and international congresses) and facilitates contacts to promote research.
Art. 113. The IDC Director conducts an annual record of research results, a database of publications whose authors are members of the Institute community.

Research units
Art. 114. (1) Within the IDC, the scientific research shall be conducted independently or in research units (collectives/laboratories, centres).
(2) Research units can be established for specified periods, depending on the budget, funding sources, scientific needs.
(3) Research units have their own budget, approved at the beginning of the year or during the financial year, according to financial resources. Research units can be funded from the IDC budget or by self-funding. To fund the research activity, departments, faculties, autonomous research units can associate with research bodies, institutions or centres, national or foreign companies, based upon agreements or contracts.
Art. 115. (1) Research units mostly conduct scientific research, but they can also undertake teaching activities.
(2) The research units develop research projects, conduct research activities, exploit research results through reports, publications, patents and hold scientific meetings.
Art. 116. The heads of research units (a director for the institute, head of department or laboratory) are assigned according to legal regulations and confirmed by the IDC Board of Directors.

Consulting, technology transfer, manufacturing and service units
Art. 117. (1) The IDC can operate consulting, technology transfer, micro-manufacturing and
service units. They bring together academic staff, researchers, students and non-teaching staff.
(2) These units support their activity by self-funding.
(3) The units mentioned under paragraph (1) shall be organized by the IDC Board of Directors and they can rank as collective, laboratory, centre.
Art. 118. The management structures, the method of establishment and certification of the units provisioned under art. 117 comply with the procedures imposed to IDC research units.
Art. 119. The IDC can associate with consulting, manufacturing and services trade companies to exploit the potential and results of own research, without causing image or financial damage to the IDC. The IDC can contribute to the share capital of trade companies founded by the Levantine Commission -Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).



Art. 120. The IDC carries out an explicit and systematic event for quality assurance and hereby for increasing IDC attractiveness and competitiveness.
This event is part of a performing education and considers the following lines of actions:
a) development of the IDC quality management system, of the evaluation and audit criteria and methodology to improve its activities;
b) setting explicit goals of IDC quality assurance by operational strategies and
c) internal and external evaluation and accreditation of study programmes;
d) faculty evaluation by students, colleagues or by the management departments and by the IDC, in terms of skills and professional competence, as well as staff skills; the presence of feedback in relation to employers and adapting programmes in relation to labour market requirements;
e) systematic tracking of graduates in the labour market insertion;
f) presence of a continuousfeedback in relation with the students and the availability to take suggestions, suggestions, criticism from them;
g) providing infrastructure quality in terms of education facilities, libraries, laboratories, sports and recreation facilities and student dormitories;
h) systematic audit of the human and material resources use;
i) increasing competitiveness in scientific research according to international criteria for assessing scientific production;
j) the extent to which the IDC generates innovation in science, technology, culture, arts, organization of society, etc.
Art. 121. (1) The progress in these directions is continuously monitored by specific structures created at IDC and department level. Providing alternative education quality in the context of globalization is a major goal of the IDC. For this purpose, quality is and should be the responsibility and concern of each teacher, researcher, student or member of the administrative and technical staff of the institution. Quality assurance is organized by the IDC specific structure created for this purpose and described in the Quality Handbook.
(2) The institutional authority is granted solely based on the scientific and teaching performance and managerial competence. The management bodies, designated democratically, represent the members of the Institute community, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Any member of the Institute community is entitled to attend, under the law, the management of its activities.



The budget of The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” and its enforcement
Art. 122. (1) IDC funding is achieved from:
a) funds allocated from students, based upon the agreement entered into with the latter;
b) extra-budgetary revenues;
c) other sources, by law.
(2) All IDC grant funds are considered own revenues. Funds constitute the State Treasury accounts and commercial banks.
(3) Based on institutional autonomy, the IDC fully owns the revenues obtained from foreign student tuitions.
Art. 123. In funding the staff expenses, the legislation in force and the decisions of the IDC Board of Directors on the general principles for wages of IDC shall be considered.

Extra-budgetary resources
Art. 124. The IDC earns extra-budgetary revenues from:
a) scientific research agreements of departments, institutions, centres, research laboratories;
b) European funding agreements;
c) revenues from space renting or the transmission of usage rights of other goods of the Institute;
d) sponsorships and donations from various foundations, Romanian or foreign companies and individuals, under full transparency conditions and without any risk to harm the IDC;
e) proceeds from the supply of services provided by IDC units;
f) collections of the hostel administration;
g) receipts obtained from consultancy and expertise activities;
h) admission, enrolment and course graduation taxes (fees), institutional taxes (fees), duties (fees) applied by centres and institutes charged under the law and under the decisions of the IDC Board of Directors;
i) administrative taxes (fees); their nature and amount shall be established by decisions of the Board of Directors.
Art. 125. The registration taxes (fees) shall be established starting from the level of real costs, correlated with core funding provided for a student.
Art. 126. The administrative taxes (fees) shall be sized based on the level of expenses
required for additional activities provided by IDC staff.
Art. 127. (1) The taxes (fees) provisioned under art. 124 letter c), f), i) shall be established, amended or cancelled by the Director, upon the recommendation of the Board, under the legal provisions and are apply only from the academic year following the year of their establishment or modification, except new taxes imposed with immediately applicable nature.
(2) Upon instating any taxes, the use of specified resources thus obtained shall be specified as well. The administrative taxes (fees) and the taxes for space rental may change, during the institutional year, depending on the economic situation, based on a reasoned proposal of IDC Board of Directors.

Funding investments and repairs
Art. 128. (1) The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” provides, limited to the funds available, the performance of investment works and new equipment for subsidiaries and structures, and the machinery and furniture needed in the teaching process, according to the quality standard, up to the limit of 25%.
(2) Subsidiaries must contribute with a share to their related investments, up to 75%.
(3) The distribution of fund units is based on criteria established by IDC Board of Directors.

Art. 129. (1) The rental of available goods from the IDC patrimonial assets can only be carried out under the law.
(2) Without causing prejudice to the teaching and research process, the IDC can rent, by entering into agreements, according to the law, spaces which are temporarily available, including classrooms and seminar classes, for occasional events, without disrupting the teaching and research process.



Art. 130. The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” provides, by its specific administrative structure, the introduction of modern education and communication technologies into education and research, the computerization of secretariat activities, as well as that of financial-accounting and administrative activities.
Art. 131. The organization, activity and management of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) offered to user within IDC are specified Rules of Organization and Operation of the Directorate for the Information and Communication Technology.

The ICT development policy has the following objectives:
a) Implementing computer systems to automate the administrative and research processes of the Institute and the departments to increase efficiency of a global system of institutional management;
b) Ensuring efficient communicationthrough reliable access to Internet services for all IDC teachers, students and staff and continuous upgrading of facilities offered by Internet and Intranet communications within the IDC network;
c) Granting performing ICT facilities upon IDC students, teachers and employees on access and processing of relevant information to each category of IDC users;
d) Providing accessible and efficient electronic information services on academic programmes of the IDC and educational facilities for the public community.
Art. 132. The website is an essential component of the IDC communication system and it is available at www.diplomatcomercial.ro.
Art. 133. The IDC communication with the public and the mass-media is achieved, mainly, through a specific structure created for this purpose.



Art. 134. (1) The IDC has an equity which it manages according to the law.
(2) The IDC rights over their own equity are real rights and, if necessary, ownership or its dismemberments (use, usufruct, servitude and superficies) according to the provisions of the Civil Code, the right of use acquired by rental, concession, bailment and other alike, or as an administration right, under the law.
Art. 135. The IDC institutional space comprises of all buildings, lands, experimental teaching resorts, research institutes/centres, botanical gardens, campuses, sports parks, as well as related facilities used by the IDC, regardless of the legal title under which it uses.
Art. 136. (1) By the decision of the Board of Directors, the IDC can create, individually or by association, trade companies, to increase performance of the institution in the education, research activity, to develop services addressed to the community and the economic environment, as well as property management efficiency through Levantine Commission – Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).
(2) When setting up trade companies, the IDC can only contribute by cash, patents and other industrial immovable rights. The IDC cannot contribute to the capital or assets of another entity, real estate, management or usage rights on heritage buildings.
(3) The IDC may grant, by contract, the right to manage and use immovable property of trade companies who are partners or shareholders, with the approval of the IDC Board of Directors.
(4) The right of use and management of public assets cannot comprise a IDC contribution to the share capital of a company.
Art. 137. (1) Any alienation of immovable and/or movable property, to the detriment of IDC, as well as the diversion of institutional activities for the benefit of others, in detriment of the IDC.
(2) The decisions on the equity and cultural movable property shall be taken with the approval of the Board of Directors, through the President of Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House), with voting rights.

Structure and use of the premises and land
Art. 138. The IDC holds spaces for the educational process, for research, administration and meal preparation, as well as facilities and sports grounds.
Art. 139. The Board of Directors can attribute to certain auditoriums, classrooms or laboratories of scientific names of important personalities. Name proposals and the motivation of these proposals shall be performed by the IDC Director.

The hospitality network
Art. 140. The IDC hospitality network is used to encourage national and international exchanges.
Art. 141. (1) The IDC may grant, by entering into an agreement, the right to manage and use the facilities, lands, hotel and restaurant premises owned, with the approval of the Board of Directors. The trade companies where the IDC is an associate or shareholder have priority.
(2) The teaching premises cannot be the subject of such agreement, and they may only be leased to professional or economic partners, and the civil society distinctly established on a case by case basis.

The facilities
Art. 142. (1) Laboratories are part of the material assets of the unit.
(2) Research departments and units are in charge of establishing and equipping high-end teaching
and research laboratories, as well as to obtaining funding for this purpose.
(3) The research department/unit director shall be in charge of equipping laboratories for teaching and research facilities with multi- and inter-departmental purpose.
Art. 143. (1) The unitary policy for equipping laboratories carried by the Director in charge of equipping laboratories.
(2) The funding sources for laboratory equipment will be budgetary and extra-budgetary (grants, research contracts, service contracts, grants from foundations, donations).
Art. 144. (1) The laboratory and workshop equipment and machinery can be used to provide services to the community.
(2) The equipment obtained from extra-budgetary resources by specialists and departments are inventoried and used, with the collective agreement for obtaining the resources, according to the Rules of operation of research strategic infrastructure.



Art. 145. Knowledge and culture are universal values. The IDC is integrated in the world-wide scientific, cultural and educational values circuit.
Art. 146. (1) The IDC Curricula envisages undertaking the internationalization process.
(2) The IDC organizes their activities so that it can display the values we hold and produce, and the students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff can benefit from European integration.
Art. 147. The forms of international cooperation adopted by the IDC are: participation in international programmes; cooperation agreements with other universities and institutes; participation in international competitions for obtaining research, education, training scholarships; affiliations to
international scientific companies; participation in international scientific meetings; establishment of libraries and lectureships; inviting specialists from other countries; exchanges of students and specialists etc.
Art. 148. The centre for international cooperation, directly subordinated to the IDC Board of Directors, coordinates and attends to carrying out the IDC international activities.
Art. 149. The IDC uses European assistance programmes, as well as European collaboration programmes.
Art. 150. International inter-institutional cooperation is a way to obtain competitive specialization, for the promotion of IDC values, to obtain access to performing equipment and to access high-efficiency research programmes.
Art. 151. The exams passed by students from other institutions are recognized and equivalent according to the IDC rules and other inter-institutional arrangements.
Art. 152. The establishment of joint research units is encouraged and supported, including financially, by accessing specific national and international resources.
Art. 153. Participation in international cooperation and international scientific prestige are evaluation criteria for the output of departments and research units.
Art. 154. The IDC systematically monitors training and expansion of linguistic competence
of community members, to attract students from other countries and for international scientific cooperation.
Art. 155. The publication of studies and specialized volumes in wide-spread languages, in publishing houses and foreign publications, is an evaluation landmark of internationalization activities.
Art. 156. (1) The IDC holds summer courses with international participation in various fields, in the bilateral exchange system and based on a tax
(2) The Romanian culture and civilization course will focus on its integration in the European context and on teaching Romanian.
Art. 157. The IDC also holds summer/autumn/winter/spring school on various fields
together with partner institutions.
Art. 158. The IDC participates and activates in the events of international associations where the IDC is a member.
Art. 159. (1) The IDC expands the network of foreign lectureships inside, as well as own lectureships at partner institutes. Lectureship shall mean the teaching activity of at least one semester, completed by exams.
(2) Foreign lectureships at the IDC shall be held based upon cultural agreements, based on IDC international cooperation agreements.
(3) The IDC is focused on re-establishing Romanian language and literature lectureships at partner institutions as well a s opening new lecture halls.
Art. 160. (1) During the lectureship, the IDC position shall be maintained.
(2) Taking over a lectureship abroad does not assume any financial obligation to the IDC.

Cultural centres and international libraries
Art. 161. The IDC encourages and supports the organization and activity of cultural centres and libraries representing countries with which it cooperates substantially.
Art. 162. Cultural centres and international libraries are autonomous and shall be organized in cooperation between the IDC and the cultural service representative offices of respective countries in Romania.
Art. 163. The IDC provides, where possible, space and technical facilities, by also bearing the costs of utilities.
Art. 164. Cultural centres and libraries are managed by a Board, headed by a director who is usually a IDC lecturer of the country or a teaching staff member of the institute.



Art. 165. The associations or mergers with other similar institutions have as main objectives the following:
a) the result of the association or merger is an advanced research and more competitive education institution;
b) more effective operation of the units in an area, no matter which institution they exist in;
c) the distribution study levels according to the criterion of 'the most competitive units';
d) the establishment of a common administrative and economic direction of these units;
e) the establishment of TV, radio, press, image, quality concerted services, etc.
Art. 166. The IDC may initiate and merge with other institutions in Europe and other countries to increase the number of students, to develop the Institute material base, to increase the quality of education and research, to promote innovation and technological development, interdisciplinary research and to increase revenues of employees and to ensure optimal conditions for students.
Art. 167. (1) The structures within the Institute can obtain sponsorships for their work, directly or through legal entities established by the IDC.
(2) The amounts thus obtained are the extra-budgetary resources available to departments,
the IDC, allocated according to the destination set by the donor.



Art. 168. The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” give awards and/or annual degrees to the employed staff for special merits.
Art. 169. The title of Emeritus professor is granted to leading personalities in science, culture, art or whose work is known and appreciated worldwide.
Art. 170. The title of Emeritus professor shall be granted to individuals supporting or are able to support the IDC, as well as to national and international personalities.
Art. 171. The quality of Honorary Ambassadors of the IDCcan be attributed to personalities involved in the social, scientific, artistic, sporting, economic or political life, at national or international level, who supported or are able to support the IDC, as well as to promote Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).
Art. 172. The honorary title of Visiting Emeritus professor, for teaching and research excellence, is given teachers who have reached retirement age and meet the conditions set by the IDC Board of Directors for granting this title.
Art. 173. The Medal of The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” is granted to personalities with fundamental contributions of historical significance to the development of scientific life and the affirmation of IDC international institutions and personalities who have contributed substantially to increase the prestige of IDC and Romania world-wide.



The use of IDC symbols
Art. 174. (1) The use or association of the Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” name of Brasov with activities held outside institutional space for printing IDC symbols, with various other occasions than those organized by the IDC, on various objects, documents, etc. is permitted only with approval of the Board of Directors.
(2) The objects marked with IDC symbols may be sold only with the prior approval of the Board of Directors.

General procedure for adopting and amending the IDC Charter
Art. 175. The IDC Charter shall be adopted, after its debate in the professional community, by the Board of Directors, and its validation by the President of The Institute of Commercial Diplomacy and Arbitration “Nicolae Titulescu” and of Levantine Commission - Balkanik Handel Haus (Balkan Trade House).
Art. 176. (1) The proposal for amending the IDC Charter can be done upon the initiative of 1/3 of the members of the IDC Board of Directors, upon the initiative of the IDC Director and shall follow the procedure used for ratification.
(2) Any proposal for changing of amending the IDC Charter shall be officially registered at the IDC General Chancellery and the IDC General Registry Office.

Art. 177. After being adopted by the IDC Board of Directors, the IDC Charter is posted on the website of the Institute of Brasov and all endeavours being carried out to inform the institutional community in this regard.
(2) Once adopted, the IDC Charter shall be translated in English to be conveyed to partner institutions, international associations in the field, international fora and interested institutions from the field.
(3) Based on IDC Charter, territorial extensions, departments, research and service units shall develop and maintain their own rules of organization and operation.